
Saturday 13 February 2010

More embellished samples

Here are some more samples from Lesson one of the Embellish Stitch Enrich course I am doing.

This has wool and silk fibres felted into a felt background, running stitched in varigated cotton perle and finally two flowers, made again from wool and silk fibres felted into felt, attached with french knots.

This was a piece of scrim over black felt. The dyed felt heart shapes were felted into the surface and then I felted heart shapes from the back. I think the shapes came out a little heavy although this was improved when I added the running stitches which does break up the black. The hand stitching was again done with varigated cotton perle.

This was the final challenge piece for lesson one. The background is strips of sari silk felted into a felt background. The flowers were again made with wool and silk fibres felted into felt and attached with two layered buttons. The stems were also sari silk.

These final three are small pieces -about 3.1/2 inches square - which use different techniques from the lesson.

They are made on a base on 4mm thick felt and I am going to make similar ones as I progress through the course.

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